Love, Joy, Peace...
Use this form to let us know who you would like to have commemorated at Proskomedia before the Divine Liturgy and how long you would like them to be remembered. (If they are not Orthodox, please put an asterisk* by their name.)
Your Name (Required)
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Second Time Guest
Regular Attendee
Commemorations (Living) (Required)
Enter the names of those to be commemorated. Please use an asterisk* next to the names of those who are not Orthodox.
Commemorations (Departed) (Required)
Enter the names of those to be commemorated. Please use an asterisk* next to the names of those who are not Orthodox.
Commemoration Length (Required)
How long would you like for these names to be commemorated?
Just once
40 days
One year
If you would like, feel free to provide any details about those who are to be commemorated.